CYUT retains first in citation rankings

The library collected over 570,000 books and 1,050,000 E-books. It is a powerful support for dissertation writing.

The National Central Library announced the latest academic influence rankings based on 1.35 million data collected and analyzed by the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. CYUT is proud to receive awards in Number of Authorized Full Texts, Full-Text Authorization Rate, Most Downloaded, and Outstanding Contribution. The citation statistics of CYUT ranked the top for 11 consecutive years among private technological universities. It is a testament to its solid academic impact.

 President Cheng Tao-Ming stressed that CYUT promotes digitalization and encourages full-text authorization to boost research visibility and quality. The award is a recognition of the academic value of postgraduate dissertations. The high citation rate demonstrated the research capability and competitiveness of CYUT, making it enter the World University Rankings of Times Higher Education for 6 straight years.

 "The library resources provide powerful support for dissertation writing, just as important as professor guidance," said Chu Hung-Chi, the Chief Officer for Library and Information. The library collected over 570,000 books and 1,050,000 E-books to fulfill diverse research and learning needs. The platform 100 Professional Books Recommendation provides an easy way for students to deepen their knowledge. In the future, the school will continue strengthening the dissertation quality and sustaining the scholarly impact.

揚帆啟航 迎向屬於自己的未來 — 董事長楊天生111學年度畢業典禮講話
馬來西亞發明展 本校勇奪3金2銀
朝陽國際文化週 跨文化學習開啟全球視野
本校致力永續發展 榮獲遠見USR綠色校園楷模獎
朝陽國際學生潛水體驗 文化交流活動大受好評
校園徵才釋出四千職缺 本校畢業生搶手
傳播藝術系黑朝影展 影視專業表現超亮眼
學術影響力評比 本校論文被引用數11年蟬聯第一
本校歐洲交流成果豐碩 展現國際量能
穆斯林學生開齋節 清真寺志工受肯定
植樹愛地球 打造永續生態校園
企業捐款響應助學計畫 嘉惠本校經濟不利學子
學生會連續5年獲教育部最高榮譽 表現卓越
全國技專校院學生實務專題競賽 本校勇奪首獎
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