International Cultural Festival celebrates CYUT’s diversity

The cultural festivities united students from over twenty countries.

Exchange students from Spain enjoyed their lives in CYUT.

A tour around the world is now happening on campus! The Office of International and Cross-Straits Cooperation hosted the International Cultural Festival from 8th to 10th May 2023. Students from over twenty countries passionately shared their hometown stories through music and cultural dance, traditional costumes and arts, and mouthwatering delicacies. The event was special and unique, not only a demonstration of cultural heritage but also a celebration of CYUT’s diversity and integration of global citizens.

 “I love studying in Chaoyang. The school cares about international students and arranges activities for diverse learning and new cultural experiences. It’s absolutely wonderful studying here,” said Victoria, the event MC from Indonesia. Victor from Nigeria is now studying aeronautical engineering, “Chaoyang brings me new thinking. Besides learning professional knowhow, I also make many new friends from different countries. It broadens my exposure, and I enjoy it a lot,” he expressed.

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International Cultural Festival celebrates CYUT’s diversity