Shining a Light on Sustainable Design: 2024 Industrial Design Graduation Exhibition

Shine & Dine - an award-winning design combining a pendant lamp and food cover.

Last week, the Department of Industrial Design hosted the 2024 graduation and faculty-student joint exhibition at Taichung Cultural Heritage Park. This year's theme, "Simplicity/Complexity/Symbiosis," emphasized care, innovation, and design for a better life, with a strong focus on sustainability. The exhibition showcased the work of 143 graduating students through 46 projects alongside pieces from five faculty members with international exhibition experience.
 Shine & Dine: This award-winning project combines a pendant lamp and food cover. When the food cover function is on, the lamp will fall to cover the meal and keep the meal warm. It has garnered recognition from the LIT Lighting Design Awards, the MUSE Design Awards, and the New York Product Design Awards and was shortlisted for the Golden Pin Concept Design Award.
 +Jù - Sustainable Rental Furniture System: This project offers a modular, component-based furniture system with regular renewal services to address young renters' needs. It provides flexibility and promotes ecological sustainability. It was a finalist for a special sponsorship at the 2024 Golden Pin Concept Design Award.
 Smart Record Spring Exoskeleton: This project tackles physical limitations by offering two smart devices to assist people with disabilities, mobility issues, and age-related muscle degeneration. It was shortlisted for the National Technical and Vocational College Student Project Competition.
 CAC Camping Air Conditioner: This innovative design brings together air conditioning, ambient lighting, a sound system, and even mosquito repellent, creating a more comfortable and convenient camping experience. It suits battery-sharing needs and reduces power outages and energy waste. The design earned a bronze award at the 9th Yodex Industry-Academia Cooperation Hitachi Air-Conditioning group competition.

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