CYUT pens MOU with Taoyuan International Airport Services

President Tao-Ming Cheng (right) signed the MOU with Taoyuan International Airport Services Co., Ltd.

CYUT's Department of Air Transport Management has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Taoyuan International Airport Services Co., Ltd. (TIAS) to address the growing demand for ground handling personnel in the aviation industry. This collaboration encompasses student internships, educational visits, lectures, workshops, and industry exchanges, aiming at nurturing the next generation of aviation professionals.
 President Tao-Ming Cheng highlighted TIAS as Taiwan's premier ground handling service provider. With international accreditations such as IATA ISAGO, AHM804, and ISO90001 and a track record of serving nearly 2 million flights at Taoyuan International Airport, TIAS stands as a beacon of professionalism. CYUT is privileged to partner with TIAS, offering students more internship and employment prospects and bringing new blood to the global aviation industry.
 Mr. Johnson Lin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TIAS, emphasized CYUT's significant contributions to aviation education, particularly in establishing Taiwan's first campus aviation city. During his visit to the mock-up airport terminal, students showcased their proficiency in CIQS (customs, immigration, quarantine, security) procedures. Mr. Lin was impressed by the students’ professionalism in providing passenger services, from the departure hall and security screening to immigration zones, boarding gates, and cabin services. Additionally, his well-received speech on corporate governance gave students valuable insights into airport operations.
 The Department of Air Transport Management is committed to equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills for airline operations. Its curriculum emphasizes mastering passenger, cargo, and mail transport, as well as station operations and administrative planning. The collaboration with TIAS ensures students remain abreast of aviation industry trends. The Department plans to set up practical classrooms for customs clearance, ticketing and reservation, passenger check-in, aviation security, and dangerous goods handling, ensuring students are well-prepared for their careers in aviation.

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CYUT pens MOU with Taoyuan International Airport Services